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Friday, 28 December 2012

What is the relationship between fitness and health?

Posted by tjzhuo | Friday, 28 December 2012 | Category: |

Basically, there is no direct correlation between fitness and health (medical or medical terms). An active man may not be healthy, and a healthy person does not necessarily have high fitness.

Fitness heavily affected by the level of physical activity, while more health be affected by lifestyle and diet.

For example, a writer who became guided tours contact aerobics (high fitness) with a slim body, were found to have high blood pressure (health problems) because the habit every meal must have soy sauce (salt excess dietary habits).

However, if we ask any medical practitioners, they would definitely recommend the fitness and active lifestyle as a preventive measure and aid recovery from almost all diseases and health problems, due to high fitness can help prevent and reduce the impact of health problems.

For example, if your friends who has high blood pressure are not active in aerobics or cardio vascular activity,  effects suffered from its may have been more severe and faster felts.

Unfortunately the words fitness often are "misuse" and overlooked by the teenagers and young people. Because thinking their fitness is good at young age, many people ignore their health, example by being heavy smokers, eating high-fat fast food and consuming too much alcoholic drink.  The effects of an unhealthy lifestyle is "masked" by the still high level of fitness when they are young but its after impact will be felt later with increasingly in age which they will regret later in life.

So for optimal well-being in the long run, both fitness and health aspects should be taken care of  now.

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